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[glob2-devel] Screen resolution crash dans include missing

From: Mickaël Wolff
Subject: [glob2-devel] Screen resolution crash dans include missing
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 07:36:09 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)

  Hi folks,

  I attached a patch with some bug corrections. Two header inclusions
missing, and an inverted code leading to a illegal access.
  Diff command line :

  diff -aur -x '.*'  glob2-0.9.1{,-1}|gzip - -9 > sdlsurface-bug.diff.gz

  I didn't find how to clean the project to remove all object files. I
didn't find how to exclude hidden files from the diff. So you'll find a
lot of scons related diffs.

  So I correct for a comprehensive message. But, never you check the
return of DrawableSurface::setRes, so you'll die if the SDLSurface was
not well drawn. And more, you initialize DrawableSurface::sdlsurface so
many time you risk to have memory leaks.

  If you want, I can check it out.

  So I would like to remove all C-style in/out function, and replace it
with std::cin/std::cout with boost::format. Only to introduce new bugs,
of course ;)

  Say that, I enjoy to play globulation :) (Even I insult this dumbs
when they get ressources in ennemy camp !)

  Sorry if you get this e-mail in double, the first without the patch :p

Mickaël Wolff aka Lupus Michaelis

Attachment: sdlsurface-bug.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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