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Re: [glob2-devel] GUI coherent and look improvbement, please syncdata

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] GUI coherent and look improvbement, please syncdata
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 22:22:06 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061220)

Kai Antweiler wrote:
"Delete the selected game"-button for example is not bitmapped and yes, i cvs 
updated and make cleaned and made and syncdatad.
And now it works ;)
the said button looks strange. i guess 2 lines in a normally wide button would 
work better.

I attach how it looks in my glob2.

ok sorry i didn't make clear my last mail was a chain of thought rather than 
all still right. it worked here but the said button is too thin for my taste. 
doesn't fit in the theme.

thanx for posting the screenshot.

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