- Right now, maps and data (music, graphics) are stored in the
globulation2 server, and uploaded through rsync over ssh. So any person
able to upload releases could also upload graphics. Problem is that rsync
is not a version control system and bad things can happen if two people
begin to manage those files in the same time. Unfortunately, cvs is very
bad at handling binary files. More unfortunately, savannah.gnu.org does
not provide svn (contrary to gna for instance). So we have the following
choices :
* Keep the actual system and find one person responsible for binary data
* Move binary files to cvs and be very carefull (but the probability to
have problem is huge)
* Move from savannah to some place else (for instance gna) and migrate
cvs to svn (or to some other version control system). This takes time and
energy but is the most sustainable solution on the long term.