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Re: [glob2-devel] Alpha 20 Preperations

From: David Schmitt
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Alpha 20 Preperations
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:41:42 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.3

On Sunday 16 July 2006 03:23, Bradley Arsenault wrote:
> I discussed it with several people (not just glob2'ers), they all
> agree TCP is the way to go. I don't understand why we chose UDP
> sockets, there so much less safe.

<advocate client="devil">UDP has much lower overhead and you have the 
possibility to drop non-critical packets to the floor, also dropped packets 
(by network congestion) don't stall the whole pipe but can be resent and 
integrated later.</advocate>

> At any rate all my sense seems to point to our choice of UDP sockets
> indirectly causing this bug, and that a change to TCP would do only
> good.

Presuming glob2 is neither latency- nor bandwidth-bound, I'd think that be a 
good idea too.

Regards, David

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