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Re: [glob2-devel] New AI System dependancies

From: Kieran P
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] New AI System dependancies
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 10:35:36 +1200

>From a players viewpoint, as long as you stick to one stable release, so I only have to install it one time (not upgrade it every release), and the libraries arn't more than 50mb combined, then I'm more than happy to install the extra libraires if the game runs smoother.

On 7/1/06, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
I don't want to start another flame war, but in designing the new ai
system, there are atleast 3 places where I could use boost libraries,
in particular, boost::tuple, boost::smart_ptr, and boost::function. If
its not going to cause too much pain, I was wondering if it would be
possible for me to use these?

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