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Re: [glob2-devel] Alpha 0.8.18 state

From: Kyle Lutze
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Alpha 0.8.18 state
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 12:12:33 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051022)

� wrote:
Hi everyone,

Could you tell me what is the status of the desync of alpha18? As far as I've understood, game always desync after about 30 sec, but when save games are relaoded, it does not desync any more. Is it right? Now I've some question that should help finding the problem:
- Are Linux vs Win games working (with the 30 desync)?
haven't tried
- Is desync always because one player has 0 checksum?
no, the checksums are just different.
- Is desync correlated to number of player, AI, or map?
well, usually we only have two players, we will try to get three people going at once later. it is not correlated with AI, and I'm about 99% positive it's not due to the map

Once we have those informations, I plan to make a cvs diff of alpha17 vs alpha18 to see if which code could have generated the desync. But of course the better reports we have the faster we could try to find the bug.

I hope this bug will be solved soon!


there is always some info on

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