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Re: [glob2-devel] A personal roadmap, and some pompous arm-waving

From: Andrew Sayers
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] A personal roadmap, and some pompous arm-waving
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 22:02:50 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

My point is, Glob2 is the sort of project that people would be falling
over themselves to get involved with if they could.  To take player AI
as an example: although it's not something I'd personally be interested
in, I bet there's people out there that would be interested.  But they
couldn't hope to make a decent system without knowing things like how
fast wheat regrows, how long globs spend training, or what variables
they'd access to find those sorts of things out.  I know your time is
limited, but by harnessing the bright minds that are out there, Glob2
can develop much faster.

This isn't meant as an "everyone should do what I say and I should do
nothing" argument - I'm the one that thinks these things are important,
so I'm the one that should be working on it.  My post was meant first as
an explanation of what I'm doing and why, second as a heads-up for when
I'm likely to start pestering people about things, and third as an
argument about ways of administering a big project like this.  Oh, and
fourth because I'll have forgotten how I was going to do the whole zip
file thing in a week and will need to find it again :)

My plan is to put my own particular pet project aside until I've done
the work necessary to make it easy for people to work on their own pet
projects.  For now, that means writing up complete gameplay
documentation.  If that turns naturally into a tutorial, I'll make a
tutorial, but my aim will always be about helping people to get into
Glob2, rather than getting into it myself.

        - Andrew

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