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[glob2-devel] game crashed with an assert

From: simon schuler
Subject: [glob2-devel] game crashed with an assert
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 22:22:13 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041229

Some minutes ago, while playing glob2, the game crashed with the following assert. It was shortly after I had built a new Inn.

address@hidden:/sources/glob-orig/glob2$ src/glob2
Toolkit : Initialized : Graphic Context created
Toolkit : Screen set to 800x600 at 0 bpp in fullscreen
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
ChooseMapScreen::onAction : loading map maps/
Loading map header
Game : AIs are now allied vs human
AI mask : fe
new maxPingPongMax=0[ms]
glob2: Building.cpp:2277: Uint32 Building::eatOnce(Uint32*): Assertion `ressources[1]>=0' failed.

I had a look at the source files and the only place I found where I'm not sure if it could cause the assert is in Building.cpp line 2310:

int Building::availableHappynessLevel()
   int inside=(int)unitsInside.size();
   if (ressources[CORN]<=inside)
       return 0;
   int happyness=1;
   for (int i=0; i<HAPPYNESS_COUNT; i++)
       if (ressources[i+HAPPYNESS_BASE]>inside)
   return happyness;

shouldn't it be
   int inside=(int)unitsInsideSubscribe.size();
instead of
   int inside=(int)unitsInside.size();      ?

until now I didn't have a look at the subscription process, so I don't know if I'm right...

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