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Re: [glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?

From: Gabriel Walt
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 16:17:45 +0200

> The web site 
> sections are currently empty, but I will fill them as soon as I can get 
> the wiki user manual in xml.

Did you pass the glob2new site to glob2? I don't think that it's great to have 
most of the pages empty. With olaf (our web cms) it's possible to create a 
page, but not to declare it in the menu, or to declare a page as hidden (in the 
void sub-menu as the 'missing' page). Could you please do that until there's 
some content.

Another detail you did, is to translate all the menu texts to french. That's 
great, but for the pages that only exist in english (for eg all the savannah 
links), we should better not translate the menu text. Because if you leave it 
in english only there's an '(en)' hint that appears next to the menu element 
that tells the user that this page will only be availible in english.

I'm interested in writing some web content too, but the problem is that I have 
only a charge-free internet connection in the evening, and all this week I was 
sailing during the evening. And soon (at least next week) I'll have finished to 
rewrite olaf, and it will support reccursive tags, thus the syntax will 
slightly change.


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