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Re: [Glob2-devel] Fwd: Ludology

From: Max Laager
Subject: Re: [Glob2-devel] Fwd: Ludology
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 15:55:11 +0200 (MEST)

> D'ailleurs saviez-vous que:
> - 73% of 7-29 year olds have played computer games, 25.8% play games
>   everyday and 47.6% play most days

en europe et au states oui

> - Worldwide, there are over 100 Million computer games consoles

si jamais on est 6 miliard sur teree sa fait qq personne qui sont affecter
les autre ne savent meme pas lire !

> - The leisure software industry is worth $5.5 billion in Europe and
>   $3.5 billion in the UK

oui ben c'est cool pour eux

> - Europe as a whole now a more lucrative gaming market than either the
>   USA or Japan 

oui on ne parle ni de l'amerique de l'afrique ou de l'asie...

> - In the USA sales of games now outnumber sales of books 

tiens son trop cons les Ricans

> - In the UK the games are worth 80% more than video rentals 

hein pas compris

> - In 1998 UK leisure software earned more in exports than any other
>   entertainment media: It totalled £503 million compared with £427 million
>   for TV and £444 million for film. 

ha quand les barbars sont arriver a Rom personne ne les a stopper
pasque tout le monde etait au Colliser

> - The balance of trade for gaming in 1998 stood at £219m. This compares
>   with the UK film industry that generated a surplus of £53 million while
>   TV recorded a deficit of £248 million. 
cette phrase est trop longue

> - Computer hardware and software accounts for approximately 40% of all
>   business to consumer e-commerce in the UK. 

e-commerce !!!!!!! la plupart de gens n'on jamais vue une tele !

Max qui fait la morale 

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