## ----------------------------------------- ## ## gcjwebplugin 0.3.2.cvs test suite: tests. ## ## ----------------------------------------- ## testsuite: command line was: $ ././testsuite ## ---------------- ## ## Tested programs. ## ## ---------------- ## testsuite.at:4: /usr/local/src/GNU/gcjwebplugin/gcjappletviewer --version Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gnu.gcjwebplugin.AppletViewer at _ZN4java4lang11VMThrowable16fillInStackTraceEPNS0_9ThrowableE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang9Throwable16fillInStackTraceEv (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang9ThrowableC1EPNS0_6StringE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang5ErrorC1EPNS0_6StringE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang12LinkageErrorC1EPNS0_6StringE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN4java4lang20NoClassDefFoundErrorC1EPNS0_6StringE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _ZN3gnu3gcj7runtime11FirstThread3runEv (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _Z13_Jv_ThreadRunPN4java4lang6ThreadE (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at _Z11_Jv_RunMainPN4java4lang5ClassEPKciPS4_b (/usr/local/gcc/3.4.3/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0) at main (/usr/local/src/GNU/gcjwebplugin/../../../libjava/gij.cc:167) ## ------------------ ## ## Running the tests. ## ## ------------------ ## testsuite: starting at: Fri Feb 25 17:27:22 EST 2005 1. applet tag parsing (t_parseapplet.at:1): ok (0m0.297s 0m0.109s) 2. embed tag parsing (t_parseembed.at:1): ok (0m0.302s 0m0.091s) 3. object tag parsing (t_parseobject.at:1): ok (0m0.284s 0m0.111s) 4. app tag parsing (t_parseapp.at:1): ok (0m0.299s 0m0.092s) 5. applet archive attribute parsing (t_parsearchives.at:1): ok (0m0.290s 0m0.107s) 6. applet parameter parsing (t_parseparams.at:1): ok (0m0.277s 0m0.104s) 7. embed tag java attributes parsing (t_parseembedjavaattrs.at:1): ok (0m0.301s 0m0.090s) 8. object tag java attributes parsing (t_parseobjectjavaattrs.at:1): ok (0m0.287s 0m0.101s) 9. parsing two applets tags from the same html file (t_parsetwoapplets.at:1): ok (0m0.282s 0m0.106s) 10. loading a class file given on the command line (t_classfile.at:1): ok (0m0.289s 0m0.100s) 11. loading a class file given on the command line, with no extension (t_classfilenoext.at:1): ok (0m0.292s 0m0.094s) 12. the --help option (t_cmdlinehelp.at:1): ok (0m0.158s 0m0.053s) 13. parsing the code command line option (t_cmdlinecode.at:1): ok (0m0.279s 0m0.122s) 14. parsing the codebase command line option (t_cmdlinecodebase.at:1): ok (0m0.289s 0m0.113s) 15. parsing the archive command line option (t_cmdlinearchive.at:1): ok (0m0.279s 0m0.107s) 16. parsing parameter command line options (t_cmdlineparam.at:1): ok (0m0.277s 0m0.115s) 17. parsing the width and height command line options (t_cmdlinewidthheight.at:1): ok (0m0.279s 0m0.112s) 18. parsing the plugin command line option (t_cmdlineplugin.at:1): ok (0m0.234s 0m0.076s) 19. that the --width and --height options override the width and height given in a tag (t_dimensionsoverride.at:1): ok (0m0.275s 0m0.123s) 20. that the --width and --height options do not override the width and height given in a tag, if there is also a .class file given on the command line (t_dimensionsnooverrideclass.at:1): ok (0m0.305s 0m0.102s) 21. that the --width and --height options do not override the width and height given in a tag, if the --code option is also given on the command line (t_dimensionsnooverridecode.at:1): ok (0m0.296s 0m0.119s) 22. applet stub return values (t_appletstub.at:1): ok (0m0.268s 0m0.096s) 23. applet context functionality (t_appletcontext.at:1): ok (0m0.299s 0m0.103s) 24. that applet contexts are per-codebase -- see AppletContext getStream javadocs (t_appletcontextcodebase.at:1): ok (0m0.310s 0m0.124s) 25. that applet contexts are per-codebase -- see AppletContext getStream javadocs (t_appletcontextnocodebase.at:1): ok (0m0.298s 0m0.131s) 26. parameters for width and height (t_parameterswidthheight.at:1): ok (0m0.287s 0m0.106s) 27. applet tag parsing (t_parsepercentagedimension.at:1): ok (0m0.285s 0m0.099s) testsuite: ending at: Fri Feb 25 17:27:38 EST 2005 testsuite: test suite duration: 0h 0m 16s ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 27 tests were successful.