I agree with GJC that it is a big duplicate to have our own web
Ok, that brings up a different aspect - maintaining an own web browser
is a duplicate of work. And that is a completey different topic/
1. SimpleWebKit as part of mySTEP is here and shows that it works.
2. And I will continue to work on it since I have reasons to do so.
3. The offer to the GNUstep community to adopt it for a GNUstep web
browser it is here.
4. But the GNUstep community must decide if they want to follow this
path and integrate it or not.
But I also agree with Nicola that we need some basic xhtml view
text conversion,
GNUMail and Grr have to render xhtml in many cases.
Yes they receive HTML formatted mails.
The question remains to me why we should write a (new?) basic xhtml
view when we can have a full (x)html view - to avoid duplication.