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Best way to draw image in menu title?

From: Jason Clouse
Subject: Best way to draw image in menu title?
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 23:36:03 -0400

I'm plinking around with a theme bundle to match my WindowMaker theme.  I'm 
trying to draw an image into the menu titlebar (NSMenuWindowTitleView, drawRect 
method).  What's currently there is this:

  [[NSColor windowFrameColor] set];

There is an NSDrawBitmap() function, but the Apple docs say it might be more 
useful to employ the NSBitmapImageRep class; though there are plenty of other 
bitmap and image classes too.  The question: which class do you guys think 
would be best for this task, both for functionality and performance 
considerations?  I'm pretty new to the GUI classes, so I may need some in-depth 
guidance on this.


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