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[Commit-gnuradio] r10048 - gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps

From: trondeau
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r10048 - gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:34:27 -0700 (MST)

Author: trondeau
Date: 2008-11-24 20:34:26 -0700 (Mon, 24 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 10048

Adding options to rx test file to mimic usrp_rx_cfile.

Modified: gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/
--- gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/       
2008-11-24 20:50:00 UTC (rev 10047)
+++ gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/       
2008-11-25 03:34:26 UTC (rev 10048)
@@ -28,105 +28,183 @@
 namespace po = boost::program_options;
+str_to_subdev(std::string spec_str)
+  usrp_subdev_spec spec;
+  if(spec_str == "A" || spec_str == "A:0" || spec_str == "0:0") {
+    spec.side = 0;
+    spec.subdev = 0;
+  }
+  else if(spec_str == "A:1" || spec_str == "0:1") {
+    spec.side = 0;
+    spec.subdev = 1;
+  }
+  else if(spec_str == "B" || spec_str == "B:0" || spec_str == "1:0") {
+    spec.side = 1;
+    spec.subdev = 0;
+  }
+  else if(spec_str == "B:1" || spec_str == "1:1") {
+    spec.side = 1;
+    spec.subdev = 1;
+  }
+  else {
+    throw std::range_error("Incorrect subdevice specifications.\n");
+  }
+  return spec;
 // Shared pointer constructor
 usrp_test_rx_sptr make_usrp_test_rx(int which, usrp_subdev_spec spec, 
                                    int decim, double freq, float gain,
-                                   int nsamples)
+                                   bool width8, bool nohb,
+                                   bool output_shorts, int nsamples,
+                                   const std::string &filename)
   return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr(new usrp_test_rx(which, spec, 
                                                     decim, freq, gain,
-                                                    nsamples));
+                                                    width8, nohb,
+                                                    output_shorts, 
+                                                    nsamples,
+                                                    filename));
 // Hierarchical block constructor, with no inputs or outputs
 usrp_test_rx::usrp_test_rx(int which, usrp_subdev_spec spec, 
                           int decim, double freq, float gain,
-                          int nsamples) : 
-    gr_top_block("usrp_test_rx")
+                          bool width8, bool nohb,
+                          bool output_shorts, int nsamples,
+                          const std::string &filename) : 
+  gr_top_block("usrp_test_rx"),
+  d_which(which),  d_spec(spec), d_decim(decim), d_freq(freq), 
+  d_gain(gain), d_width8(width8), d_nohb(nohb), d_nsamples(nsamples), 
+  d_filename(filename)
-  usrp_source_c_sptr usrp = usrp_make_source_c(which, decim);
+  usrp_source_c_sptr usrp;
-  db_base_sptr subdev = usrp->selected_subdev(spec);
-  printf("Subdevice name is %s\n", subdev->side_and_name().c_str());
+  if(d_nohb || (d_decim<8)) {
+    // Min decimation of this firmware is 4. 
+    // contains 4 Rx paths without halfbands and 0 tx paths.
+    std::string fpga_filename="std_4rx_0tx.rbf";
+    // use default values and add fpga_filename
+    usrp = usrp_make_source_c(d_which, d_decim,
+                             1, -1, 0, 0, 0,
+                             fpga_filename.c_str());
+  }
+  else {
+    // standard fpga firmware "std_2rxhb_2tx.rbf" contains 
+    // 2 Rx paths with halfband filters and 2 tx paths 
+    //(the default) min decimation 8
+    usrp = usrp_make_source_c(d_which, d_decim);
+  }
+  if(d_width8) {
+    int sample_width = 8;
+    int sample_shift = 8;
+    int format = usrp->make_format(sample_width, sample_shift);
+    int r = usrp->set_format(format);
+    printf("width8: format=%d  r=%d\n", format, r);
+  }
+  /* Get subdevice and process it */
+  db_base_sptr subdev = usrp->selected_subdev(d_spec);
+  printf("\nSubdevice name is %s\n", subdev->side_and_name().c_str());
   printf("Subdevice freq range: (%g, %g)\n", 
         subdev->freq_min(), subdev->freq_max());
-  unsigned int mux = usrp->determine_rx_mux_value(spec);
+  unsigned int mux = usrp->determine_rx_mux_value(d_spec);
   printf("mux: %#08x\n",  mux);
-  float input_rate = usrp->adc_freq() / usrp->decim_rate();
-  printf("baseband rate: %g\n",  input_rate);
   float gain_min = subdev->gain_min();
   float gain_max = subdev->gain_max();
-  printf("gain range: (%g, %g)\n",  gain_min, gain_max);
-  if(gain == -1) {
-    gain = (gain_min + gain_max)/2.0;
+  if(d_gain == -1) {
+    d_gain = (gain_min + gain_max)/2.0;
-  printf("gain: %g\n", gain);
-  subdev->set_gain(gain);
+  printf("gain: %g\n", d_gain);
+  subdev->set_gain(d_gain);
+  /* Set the USRP/dboard frequency */
   usrp_tune_result r;
-  double target_freq = freq;
-  bool ok = usrp->tune(0, subdev, target_freq, &r);
+  bool ok = usrp->tune(subdev->which(), subdev, freq, &r);
-  printf("target_freq:     %f\n", target_freq);
-  printf("ok:              %s\n", ok ? "true" : "false");
-  printf("r.baseband_freq: %f\n", r.baseband_freq);
-  printf("r.dxc_freq:      %f\n", r.dxc_freq);
-  printf("r.residual_freq: %f\n", r.residual_freq);
-  printf("r.inverted:      %d\n", r.inverted);
   if(!ok) {
     throw std::runtime_error("Could not set frequency.");
   /* The rest */
-  gr_block_sptr head = gr_make_head(sizeof(gr_complex), nsamples);
-  fsink = gr_make_file_sink(sizeof(gr_complex), "received.dat");
+  d_dst = gr_make_file_sink(sizeof(gr_complex), d_filename.c_str());
-  if(nsamples == -1) {
-    connect(usrp, 0, fsink, 0);
+  if(d_nsamples == -1) {
+    connect(usrp, 0, d_dst, 0);
   else {
-    connect(usrp, 0, head, 0);
-    connect(head, 0, fsink, 0);
+    d_head = gr_make_head(sizeof(gr_complex), d_nsamples*2);
+    connect(usrp, 0, d_head, 0);
+    connect(d_head, 0, d_dst, 0);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int which = 0;                       // specify which USRP board
   usrp_subdev_spec spec(0,0);          // specify the d'board side
-  int decim = 64;                      // set the decimation rate
+  int decim = 16;                      // set the decimation rate
   double freq = 0;                     // set the frequency
   float gain = -1;                     // set the gain; -1 will set the 
mid-point gain
   int nsamples = -1;                   // set the number of samples to 
collect; -1 will continue
+  bool width8 = false;                 // use 8-bit samples across USB
+  bool nohb = false;                   // don't use halfband filter in USRP
+  bool output_shorts = false;          // use shorts
+  std::string filename = "received.dat";
-  po::options_description cmdconfig("Program options");
+  po::options_description cmdconfig("Program options: usrp_text_rx [options] 
     ("help,h", "produce help message")
-    ("which,w", po::value<int>(&which), "select which USRP board")
-    ("rx-subdev-spec,R", po::value<std::string>(), "select USRP Rx side and 
-    ("decim,d", po::value<int>(&decim), "set fpga decimation rate")
-    ("frequency,f", po::value<double>(), "set RF frequency")
-    ("gain,g", po::value<float>(&gain), "set gain in dB")
-    ("nsamples,N", po::value<int>(&nsamples), "set the number of samples to 
collect; -1 will continue")
+    ("which,W", po::value<int>(&which), "select which USRP board")
+    ("rx-subdev-spec,R", po::value<std::string>(), "select USRP Rx side A or B 
+    ("decim,d", po::value<int>(&decim), "set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM")
+    ("freq,f", po::value<double>(), "set frequency to FREQ")
+    ("gain,g", po::value<float>(), "set gain in dB (default is midpoint)")
+    ("width-8,8", "Enable 8-bit samples across USB")
+    ("no-hb", "don't use halfband filter in usrp")
+    ("output-shorts,s", "output interleaved shorts in stead of complex floats")
+    ("nsamples,N", po::value<int>(&nsamples), "number of samples to collect")
+  po::options_description fileconfig("Input file options");
+  fileconfig.add_options()
+    ("filename", po::value<std::string>(), "input file")
+    ;
+  po::positional_options_description inputfile;
+  inputfile.add("filename", -1);
+  po::options_description config;
+  config.add(cmdconfig).add(fileconfig);
   po::variables_map vm;
   po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
-           options(cmdconfig).run(), vm);
+           options(config).positional(inputfile).run(), vm);
   if (vm.count("help")) {
     std::cout << cmdconfig << "\n";
     return 1;
+  if(vm.count("filename")) {
+    filename = vm["filename"].as<std::string>();
+  }
-  if(vm.count("frequency")) {
-    freq = vm["frequency"].as<double>();
+  if(vm.count("freq")) {
+    freq = vm["freq"].as<double>();
   else {
     fprintf(stderr, "You must specify a frequency.\n");
@@ -135,37 +213,32 @@
   if(vm.count("rx-subdev-spec")) {
     std::string s = vm["rx-subdev-spec"].as<std::string>();
-    if(s == "A" || s == "A:0" || s == "0:0") {
-      spec.side = 0;
-      spec.subdev = 0;
-    }
-    else if(s == "A:1" || s == "0:1") {
-      spec.side = 0;
-      spec.subdev = 1;
-    }
-    else if(s == "B" || s == "B:0" || s == "1:0") {
-      spec.side = 1;
-      spec.subdev = 0;
-    }
-    else if(s == "B:1" || s == "1:1") {
-      spec.side = 1;
-      spec.subdev = 1;
-    }
-    else {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect subdevice specifications.\n");
-      return -1;
-    }
+    spec = str_to_subdev(s);
-  printf("which:   %d\n", which);
-  printf("decim:   %d\n", decim);
-  printf("freq:    %g\n", freq);
-  printf("gain:    %f\n", gain);
-  printf("samples: %d\n", nsamples);
+  if(vm.count("width-8")) {
+    width8 = true;
+  }
+  if(vm.count("nohb")) {
+    nohb = true;
+  }
+  if(vm.count("output-shorts")) {
+    output_shorts = true;
+  }
-  usrp_test_rx_sptr top_block = make_usrp_test_rx(which, spec, 
-                                                 decim, freq, gain,
-                                                 nsamples);
+  std::cout << "which:   " << which << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "decim:   " << decim << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "freq:    " << freq << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "gain:    " << gain << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "width-8  " << (width8 ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "no-hb    " << (nohb ? "Yes" : "no") << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "shorts:  " << (output_shorts ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "samples: " << nsamples << std::endl;
+  usrp_test_rx_sptr top_block = make_usrp_test_rx(which, spec, decim, freq, 
+                                                 gain, width8, nohb, 
+                                                 output_shorts, nsamples,
+                                                 filename);
   return 0;

Modified: gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/usrp_test_rx.h
--- gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/usrp_test_rx.h        
2008-11-24 20:50:00 UTC (rev 10047)
+++ gnuradio/branches/features/cppdb/gr-usrp/apps/usrp_test_rx.h        
2008-11-25 03:34:26 UTC (rev 10048)
@@ -20,24 +20,43 @@
 #include <gr_top_block.h>
+#include <usrp_source_base.h>
 #include <usrp_source_c.h>
+#include <usrp_source_s.h>
 #include <gr_file_sink.h>
 class usrp_test_rx;
 typedef boost::shared_ptr<usrp_test_rx> usrp_test_rx_sptr;
-usrp_test_rx_sptr make_usrp_test_rx();
+usrp_test_rx_sptr make_usrp_test_rx(int which, usrp_subdev_spec spec, 
+                                   int decim, double freq, float gain,
+                                   bool width8, bool nohb,
+                                   bool output_shorts, int nsamples,
+                                   const std::string &filename);
 class usrp_test_rx : public gr_top_block
     usrp_test_rx(int which, usrp_subdev_spec spec, 
                 int decim, double freq, float gain,
-                int nsamples);
-    friend usrp_test_rx_sptr make_usrp_test_rx(int which, 
-                                              usrp_subdev_spec spec, 
-                                              int decim, double freq, 
-                                              float gain, int nsamples);
+                bool width8, bool nohb,
+                bool output_shorts, int nsamples,
+                const std::string &filename);
+    friend usrp_test_rx_sptr make_usrp_test_rx(int which, usrp_subdev_spec 
+                                              int decim, double freq, float 
+                                              bool width8, bool nohb,
+                                              bool output_shorts, int nsamples,
+                                              const std::string &filename);
+    int d_which;
+    usrp_subdev_spec d_spec;
+    int d_decim;
+    double d_freq;
+    float d_gain;
+    bool d_width8, d_nohb;
+    int d_nsamples;
+    std::string d_filename;
-    gr_file_sink_sptr fsink;
+    gr_block_sptr d_head;
+    gr_block_sptr d_dst;

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