Why are there so many form feeds in the source?
Running this from the root of the Make repo:
cd src && grep -c $'\f' *.[ch] | grep -v ':0$' | sort -t : -k 2 -n -r | awk -F : 'BEGIN {printf "%-15s Number of form feeds\n", "File"; print "------------------------------------" } {printf "%-15s %2d\n", $1, $2}'
Results in:
File Number of form feeds
variable.c 17
read.c 15
misc.c 12
job.c 11
function.c 10
dir.c 10
remake.c 9
main.c 8
file.c 8
expand.c 6
commands.c 6
vpath.c 5
rule.c 5
output.c 5
getopt.c 4
arscan.c 4
remote-stub.c 3
remote-cstms.c 3
ar.c 3
implicit.c 2
getopt1.c 2
version.c 1
makeint.h 1
hash.h 1
default.c 1