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Re: Helo on libtool

From: Gary V . Vaughan
Subject: Re: Helo on libtool
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 00:21:38 +0100

Please use address@hidden for general topics lke this.  bug-libtool is for 
reporting bugs in the libtool distribution.

On Thursday 04 January 2001  7:23 am, Manoj Caisucar wrote:
> Dear Sir,

The system clock on your machine is 3 months slow...

> I would like to get information about libtool.

Surf on over to http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool.

> Basically what  it contains  and what is its purpose.

It comes with a comprehensive manual, also available online from the link 

> Examples  would be much better.

Download almost any GNU project from ftp.gnu.org and have a look at 
configure.in and Makefile.am/Makefile.in inside the distribution tarballs.

> Thanks

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