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[bug-idutils] [PATCH 9/9] maint: use gnulib's readme-release module

From: Jim Meyering
Subject: [bug-idutils] [PATCH 9/9] maint: use gnulib's readme-release module
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 08:38:48 +0100

From: Jim Meyering <address@hidden>

* bootstrap.conf (gnulib_modules): Add readme-release.
(bootstrap_epilogue): Substitute.
* README-release: Remove file.
* .gitignore: Update.
 .gitignore     |   33 ++++++++++------------
 README-release |   85 --------------------------------------------------------
 bootstrap.conf |    6 +--
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README-release

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7e9d52c..ef49d35 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,15 +5,21 @@
@@ -22,15 +28,6 @@ configure
diff --git a/README-release b/README-release
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e932e..0000000
--- a/README-release
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Here are most of the steps we (maintainers) follow when making a release.
-* start from a clean, up-to-date git directory.
-    git checkout master; git pull
-* Run ./configure && make maintainer-clean
-* Ensure that the desired versions of autoconf, automake, etc.
-  are in your PATH.  See the buildreq list in bootstrap.conf for
-  the complete list.
-* Ensure that you're on "master" with no uncommitted diffs.
-  This should produce no output: git checkout master; git diff
-* Run bootstrap: ./bootstrap
-* Pre-release testing:
-  Ensure that make check syntax-check succeeds.
-* Run "make distcheck"
-* Manually set the date, version number, and [stable/alpha/beta] on
-  line 3 of NEWS, then do e.g.,:
-    v=4.4
-    pkg=$(sed -n 's/^PACKAGE = \(.*\)/\1/p' Makefile)
-    git commit -F <(printf 'version '$v'\n\n* NEWS: Record release date.\n') -a
-    git tag -s -m "$pkg $v" v$v HEAD
-* Run the following to create release tarballs.  Your choice selects the
-  corresponding upload-to destination in the emitted gnupload command.
-  The different destinations are specified in cfg.mk.  See the definitions
-  of gnu_ftp_host-{alpha,beta,stable}.
-    # "TYPE" must be stable, beta or alpha
-    make TYPE
-* Test the tarball.  copy it to a few odd-ball systems and ensure that
-  it builds and passes all tests.
-* While that's happening, write the release announcement that you will
-  soon post.  Start with the template, $HOME/announce-idutils-X.Y
-  that was just created by that "make" command.
-Once all the builds and tests have passed,
-* Run the gnupload command that was suggested by your "make stable" run above.
-* Wait a few minutes (maybe up to 30?) and then use the release URLs to
-  download all tarball/signature pairs and use gpg --verify to ensure
-  that they're all valid.
-* Push the NEWS-updating changes and the new tag:
-    v=$(cat .prev-version)
-    git push origin master tag v$v
-* Announce it on Savannah first, so you can include the preferable
-  savannah.org announcement link in the email message.
-  From here:
-    https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/idutils/
-  click on the "submit news", then write something like the following:
-  (If there is no such button, then enable "News" for the project via
-   the Main -> "Select Features" menu item, or via this link:
-   https://savannah.gnu.org/project/admin/editgroupfeatures.php?group=idutils)
-    Subject: idutils-X.Y released [stable]
-    +verbatim+
-    ...paste the announcement here...
-    -verbatim-
-  Then go here to approve it:
-    https://savannah.gnu.org/news/approve.php?group=idutils
-* Send the announcement email message.
-* After each non-alpha release, update the on-line manual accessible via
-    http://www.gnu.org/software/idutils/manual/
-  by running this:
-    build-aux/gnu-web-doc-update
diff --git a/bootstrap.conf b/bootstrap.conf
index c8ad2bf..9e9c9e5 100644
--- a/bootstrap.conf
+++ b/bootstrap.conf
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ gnulib_modules="
+       readme-release
@@ -157,8 +158,5 @@ touch ChangeLog || exit 1

-  # Change paths in gnulib-tests/gnulib.mk from "../.." to "..".
-  m=gnulib-tests/gnulib.mk
-  sed 's,\.\./\.\.,..,g' $m > $m-t
-  mv -f $m-t $m
+  perl -pi -e "s/address@hidden@/$package/g" README-release

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