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[Bug-guile-ncurses] GC bug (?) with menu's

From: Thomas Danckaert
Subject: [Bug-guile-ncurses] GC bug (?) with menu's
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 16:45:18 +0200 (CEST)


I'm writing a guile-ncurses program where I want to update a menu (using guile-ncurses 2.2). This mostly works, but when refreshing the menu repeatedly, the program eventually segfaults. I've attached a small example to illustrate the problem:

If you run the attached example, pressing 'r' updates the menu (here it just updates a counter in front of the menu items). If you keep pressing 'r', the program eventually segfaults. When exactly it happens is unpredictable, but shouldn't take more than a few seconds if you just hold down the 'r' key. I assume the unpredictability is due to the garbage collector.

From the gdb stacktrace (and my limited understanding of the gc mechanisms), it seems that the list of menu items is somehow getting gc'ed prematurely:

     [New Thread 0x7ffecf65a700 (LWP 27338)]
        11: Choice 2 Item 2
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffecf65a700 (LWP 27338)]
gc_free_menu (x=0x83bc60) at menu_type.c:403
403               pitem_store[i]->left = NULL;

Is this a bug in the Guile-ncurses gc code, or am I making a wrong assumption in my code?



ps Is there a mailing list for more general questions about guile-ncurses, or should I just post to the guile-user list?
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
             (ice-9 format)
             (ncurses curses)
             (ncurses menu))

(define stdscr (initscr))
(keypad! stdscr #t)

(define my-menu-win (newwin 10 40 4 4))
(keypad! my-menu-win #t)

(define (make-menu i)
  (let* ((names (map
                 (lambda (s) (string-append (format #f "~d: " i) s))
                 '("Choice 1" "Choice 2" "Choice 3" "Choice 4" "Exit")))
         (descriptions '("Item 1" "Item 2" "Item 3" "Item 4" "")))
    (new-menu (map (lambda (name desc) (new-item name desc))
                   names descriptions))))

(with-throw-handler #t
  (lambda ()
    (let draw-menu ((i 0))
      (let* ((my-menu (make-menu (+ 1 i))))

        ;; Set the main window and subwindow
        (set-menu-win! my-menu my-menu-win)
        (set-menu-sub! my-menu (derwin my-menu-win 6 38 3 1))

        ;; Set the menu mark string
        (set-menu-mark! my-menu " * ")

        ;; Post the menu
        (post-menu my-menu)
        (refresh my-menu-win)

        ;; Process the up and down arrow keys.  Break the loop if F1 is
        ;; pressed.  Ignore other keys.
        (let loop ((c (getch my-menu-win)))

           ;; Move down the menu when down arrow is pressed and then loop.
           ((eqv? c KEY_DOWN)
              (menu-driver my-menu REQ_DOWN_ITEM)
              (loop (getch my-menu-win))))

           ;; Move up the menu when the up arrow is pressed and then loop.
           ((eqv? c KEY_UP)
              (menu-driver my-menu REQ_UP_ITEM)
              (loop (getch my-menu-win))))

           ((eqv? c #\r)
              (unpost-menu my-menu)
              (draw-menu (+ 1 i))))

           ((not (eqv? c (key-f 1)))
            (loop (getch stdscr)))
  (lambda (key . parameters)


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