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[bugs #10780] Possible to boot an ISO bootable file?

From: Gandalf
Subject: [bugs #10780] Possible to boot an ISO bootable file?
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 20:13:36 -0500
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 of the project: GNU GRUB.

[bugs #10780] Latest Modifications:

Changes by: 
                Gandalf <address@hidden>
                Mon 11/08/04 at 01:07 (GMT)

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------

- Mr. This tool has beed improved, it can support NTFS now.

you can get it from the same location, and select the one, isoemu_5th_eng.zip.

- And the developping has beed stop. Yes, just as your requestion, I'll dump 
these codes to Grub. - 1 month later. ;-)  At that moment, you can use those 
two commands, you shown us, to launch an iso file, and boot with it. 

- Of course, it can only support FAT32/NTFS, with it's 1st release, and with 
the codename ganstein. ;-) 

- And it's free to use, and the source code will be copylefted, at that time. 

- BTW, it is only support Real-Mode access, `cause INT13h's hooking used.

[bugs #10780] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=10780>
Project: GNU GRUB
Submitted by: 0
On: Sat 10/23/04 at 14:13

Category:  Booting
Severity:  Major
Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Feature Request
Resolution:  None
Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  
Originator Email:  
Status:  Open
Release:  0.95
Reproducibility:  Every Time
Planned Release:  

Summary:  Possible to boot an ISO bootable file?

Original Submission:  I wish it could be possible to boot standard ISO bootable 
files stored on the HDD using Grub.
One solution, I believe could be to set up a fake cd driver named for example 
(vcd) and then mapping or loading the ISO file to (vcd) and launch the boot 
process used for CD boot on the (vcd) device.
I would like to use a command like the one for a standard cdrom:
vcdrom --install (hdx,y)/path/to/bootable_file.iso
vcdrom --bootcd

Or being able to map the ISO file to the standard (cd).
Could you tell if this is possible (I imagine one prerequisite would be that 
the ISO file is contiguous)?
Or did I forget something that would prevent Grub to do such things?

Follow-up Comments

Date: Mon 11/08/04 at 01:07         By: Gandalf <f22_storm>

- Mr. This tool has beed improved, it can support NTFS now.

you can get it from the same location, and select the one, isoemu_5th_eng.zip.

- And the developping has beed stop. Yes, just as your requestion, I'll dump 
these codes to Grub. - 1 month later. ;-)  At that moment, you can use those 
two commands, you shown us, to launch an iso file, and boot with it. 

- Of course, it can only support FAT32/NTFS, with it's 1st release, and with 
the codename ganstein. ;-) 

- And it's free to use, and the source code will be copylefted, at that time. 

- BTW, it is only support Real-Mode access, `cause INT13h's hooking used.

Date: Thu 10/28/04 at 01:00         By: Gandalf <f22_storm>

Mr. I want to tell you that there is a program named ieldr (isoemu), it can 
boot your system with an isofile.

You can download it from, for the last 
version, select `isoemusv#_eng.zip' for english readme.txt.

Within this package, there is a demo cd, called isogrub.iso, you can use it 
directly, and load a dos envirenment with eltorito.sys support - yes, you have 
cd accessible at the prompt!

Ehn, it has the limitation, only support FAT32.

Wish this is the one what you want. ;-)

For detailed info, follow this link:

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