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Re: [bug-gettext] [sr #108743] Inconsistent definition of libintl_gettex

From: Daiki Ueno
Subject: Re: [bug-gettext] [sr #108743] Inconsistent definition of libintl_gettext_germanic_plural
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 13:02:40 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Dagobert Michelsen <address@hidden> writes:

>>> FAIL: lang-vala
>>> ===============
>>> 1,2c1,2
>>> < �Votre commande, s'il vous plait�, dit le gar�on.
>>> < EUR remplace FF.
>>> ---
>>>> 'Your command, please?', asked the waiter.
>>>> FF is replaced by EUR.
>>> FAIL lang-vala (exit status: 1)
>> Oh, you have Vala installed?  Which version?
> I guess the version is rather old:
> CSWvala  vala - Compiler for the GObject type system
>          (i386) 0.20.1,REV=2013.05.06
> The latest vala still produces the same link error:

Sorry, I'm lost here; according to the above error log, it looks that
the build itself succeeded with 0.20.1.

> FAIL: lang-vala
> ===============
> ld.so.1: prog: fatal: libintl.so.8: open failed: No such file or directory
> ./lang-vala: line 90: 29632 Killed                  LANGUAGE= 
> LC_ALL=$LOCALE_FR ./prog > prog.out
> FAIL lang-vala (exit status: 1)

Vala is basically a C translator and it takes compiler/linker flags from
pkgconfig.  So I suspect your glib-2.0.pc does not point to the correct
location of the system's libintl library.  You could try adding
--verbose to ${VALAC} command line in lang-vala to get the actual linker
command line (maybe we should add it by default for better diagnostics).

Daiki Ueno

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