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[bug-gawk] [PATCH] Add "exit" as synonym to "quit" in the debugger.

From: Joep van Delft
Subject: [bug-gawk] [PATCH] Add "exit" as synonym to "quit" in the debugger.
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015 13:11:56 +0100
User-agent: XS4ALL Webmail

A small patch for your consideration. Motivation:

% gawk -D -f script.awk
gawk> exit
error: unknown command - "exit", try help
gawk> quit


 command.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/command.c b/command.c
index 763055f..5ae7569 100644
--- a/command.c
+++ b/command.c
@@ -2592,6 +2592,8 @@ struct cmdtoken cmdtab[] = {
    gettext_noop("end - end a list of commands or awk statements.") },
 { "eval", "", D_eval, D_EVAL, do_eval,
gettext_noop("eval stmt|[p1, p2, ...] - evaluate awk statement(s).") },
+{ "exit", "", D_quit, D_QUIT, do_quit,
+   gettext_noop("quit - exit debugger.") },
 { "finish", "", D_finish, D_FINISH, do_finish,
gettext_noop("finish - execute until selected stack frame returns.") },
 { "frame", "f", D_frame, D_FRAME, do_frame,

Kind regards,


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