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Re: [bug-gawk] 0 is invalid as number of arguments for tolower

From: peifer
Subject: Re: [bug-gawk] 0 is invalid as number of arguments for tolower
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 13:33:48 +0200

Arnold wrote:
> To do this you'll have to do it manually, but splitting the line
> apart around the match, lowering the bit of interest, and putting
> it back together.  You can probably put together a function
> that will do this for you.

Thanks for confirming that I was really too naive ;-). Being a poor farmer's 
son, I invented the ugly gsub() chain below, rather than a function-based 

@Stéphane: Thanks. Next time, I'll do it more elegantly, as you and Arnold 
proposed. Promised.

By the way, this pages seems incomplete: 


        # English issues
        gsub(/ And /, " and ", str)
        gsub(/ Of /, " of ", str)
        # France
        gsub(/ La /, " la ", str)
        gsub(/ Le /, " le ", str)
        gsub(/ Les /, " les ", str)
        gsub(/ De /, " de ", str)
        gsub(/ Du /, " du ", str)
        gsub(/ Et /, " et ", str)
        gsub(/ Côtiers /, " côtiers ", str)
        gsub(/ Fleuves /, " fleuves ", str)
        gsub(/ Bretons/, " bretons", str)
        gsub(/ Normands/, " normands", str)
        gsub(/ Vendéens/, " vendéens", str)
        gsub(/ Charentais/, " charentais", str)
        gsub(/ Aquitains/, " aquitains", str)

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