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ls: list directories first, range in noncapitals

From: Florian Hacker
Subject: ls: list directories first, range in noncapitals
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 09:41:48 +0100

I introduced 2 new options to ls:

-e, --sort=dirsfirst
This sort option makes ls list directories first.

This is used to range in noncapitals while sorting.
This way the listing is truely sorted alphabetically.

The attached diff is based on fileutils-4.1

Just unpack the fileutils-4.1.tar.gz, copy the file
fu-41.patch to fileutils-4.1/src. Change to the 
directory and call: 'patch < fu-41.patch'
Then follow the usual install instructions.


Attachment: fu-41.patch
Description: Text Data

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