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bug#28953: 11.91.0; wrong alert about inexistent LaTeX errors

From: jfbu
Subject: bug#28953: 11.91.0; wrong alert about inexistent LaTeX errors
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2017 09:25:30 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.4.0

Le 24/10/2017 à 00:24, Mosè Giordano a écrit :
The file may end with an extension (AUCTeX doesn't really like
files without any extension), but TeX doesn't require it at all.

Hi Mosè, you are right. What about spaces? I know there isn't
a single file with spaces in its path on my TeX installation,
and I personally will never ever attempt to use such in my
TEXMFHOME or in the document repertory or sub-repertories.

Unfortunately I never informed myself about status of spaces
in file names with TeX, because they just don't belong to
my world.

Checking for spaces in the string before :<line number>: would
have avoided my real-life problem.

For concreteness the issue arose because often one uses labels
of the type eq:1, thm:3, etc... (indeed possibly AUCTeX prompts
user to insert such label) and my package was reporting them
in a log message of the type

"Undefined label <the label here>: rerun Latex."

Thus checking for space before would have avoided false-positive.

I fixed my real-life problem by simply avoiding adding an
extra colon.

People doing

\section{foo}\label{sec:1: (authorA)}

See \ref{sec:1: (authorA)}

will similarly get bitten by this problem.

In some parallel universe, maybe it happened before I cooked
up that example.


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