When using a tikzpicture enviornment as follows
% First row
\node[scale=1.3,label=below:(a)] {\input{./latex/CH4/dishole_schematic}}; &
\node[label=below:(b)~$20$~nm] {\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{./figures/CH4/hole_gen_dis_20}}; &
\node[label=below:(c)~$40$~nm] {\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{./figures/CH4/hole_gen_dis_41}}; \\ % end of row
\node[label=below:(d)~$160$~nm] {\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{./figures/CH4/hole_gen_dis_160}}; &
\node[label=below:(e)~$400$~nm] {\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{./figures/CH4/hole_gen_dis_400}}; &
\node[label=below:(f)~$800$~nm] {\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{./figures/CH4/hole_gen_dis_800}};\\
The label keyword used to label the node is picked up by Reftex as a
valid label when the ref command is invoked. Perhaps one can avoid
scanning for a 'label' keyword within a tikzpicture environment?
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